Friday, December 5, 2008

10 Random Facts about me (tagged by Larissa)

Well.. it was 530 PM in cloudy Thursday.. and suddenly somebody MSN-ed me.. *so Singlish :p..
Oh, it's Larissa who MSN-ed me.. and guess what?!!.. She tagged me :(
Not in Facebook.. but it's a-10-random-facts-about-me-tag..
which implies I must do this listing.. the 10 random facts about me..

actually.. it can be done easily if I still keep my Friendster account :p.. can just copy paste from my friends' comments.. wakakakak.. yeah...
but anyway, to finish the listing and to keep my blog alive *I never update it for 7 months!!.. what happen to me :(.. I guess it is caused by my part time study as well as BBDC that eat up my time.. :p*, let's do the list..

1. Ah Boy...
is my nickname in the office since I'm the youngest in our software team, unless there are IA students that join our team. It was started during my first week in my current company! Haizz.. They like to joke and bully each other :p.. hahahah..

2. Soccer
is my hobby. Yohoho. It was started in my 6th grade of primary school. To be so-called cool-student, you need to play soccer and watch Italian League Serie A every week. Haha.. Every monday morning, the topics are who won last night, who scored last night, who lost last night etc etc etc. Once you skip the match, then you will be speechless in the morning and no friend to chat with.. :p *I think it's too hiperbolic.. haha.. nevermind :p

3. One Piece
is my favourite anime. And I started watching it during my final year in University. Haiz.. it was a bad time to start watching this kind of anime because at that time I needed to catch up 200+ episodes!!.. So, it was like your daily meal... morning 1 episode, noon 1 episode, and evening 1 episode. Sometimes when I was bored with the project, 1 episode will do the job to cure the boredom.. but sometimes it may lead to 2,3 or even 5 episodes.. -_-'

4. Flat head
yeah, my head is not really round. There is some flat portion of it. I think the event happened when I was 5 or 6 years old. I fell down when I was running and the back of my head hit the floor. Alhamdulillah, until now everything is allright :D

5. Paintball
is on top of my wish list now!!. I tried to propose this event to replace Christmas or New Year party at office.. But it seems that they won't grant my wish :(.. hiksu hiksu..

is always browsed in almost every morning, even before I open my Outlook to check my email.. hahaahh... One of my favourite website. Soccer news around the world!!

7. Nervy
when I do something without preparation. I tend to be nervous when I do something without preparation. Must improve on this area!!

8. Crumpler
is the brand of my bag. I love it. 2 years old plus and still good. No color degradation, but a bit dirty. I think I need to bring it to Le'Shine.. yohoho.. anyone interested to sponsor me? :p

9. Daphne Milbrook
is my favourite character in Heroes. She can run fast.. really fast! *Spoiler Alert* She is a good character, but Arthur *Pretelin* makes her bad :(.. Fortunately "Manusia Taman" *Matt Parkman..* makes her a good persona again. :D

10. Lee Wee Nam (LWN) library
is my favourite place for exam preparation. Although now I'm not in NTU anymore, I still like to study in NTU's LWN library. The feeling and ambience is just nice for study especially on Saturday or Sunday when not many students are around.

Yeah.. finish already.. I haven't really decided who I'll tag.. He he...
Anyway.. I'll just tag Larissa back.. yeah.. can create Livelock!!! :p.. hihihih *DS mode: ON

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Tribute to Canteen A..

22.35 PM..

Suntug... time to go home and rest...
Yap, baru aja ane belajar buat exam hari jumat di NTU Lee Wee Nam library.. dan seperti biasa, pas pulang pasti lewat kantin A...

Jedenggg... ow.. oiya.. Kantin A bakalan ditutup mulai 1 Mei 2008, which means besok!!.. huhu.. pas lewat, bbrp stall ud ilang papan namanya... di pojokan Muslim Food, keliatan juga makcik Muslim Food lagi beres2 panci2 nya... ama peralatan masaknya..

Sebenernya, ntah kenapa, ane ngerasa trenyuh ngeliat kondisi kantin A saat itu.. somehow.. ane ga rela kantin A yg lama digusur ke atas dan most of the existing stall pada pergi.. huhu.. kesian juga ngeliatnya.. bahkan drink stall yang merupakan stall tertua di Kantin A pun ikut digusur -_-'.. huhuh

emang si, setelah dipikir2, mungkin banyak banget kenangan2 ane di Kantin A.. well, selama 4 tahun kuliah di NTU, most of my breakfast, lunch time and even dinner ane habiskan di Kantin A ini... ya biasa lah, sembari nongkrong ngobrol ngalor ngidul ngetan ngulon bersama so-called Kantin A-ers.. hueheuheuh.. walopun kadang bosen juga ma Muslim Foodnya, tp eventually tetep di maem juga.. :p

selain buat ngobrol, kantin A pun sering dipake buat meeting.. GTD, PON, Pintu, Yearbook, Promnite... pasti ad kalanya pake Kantin A buat meeting.... jadi teringat pas meeting GTD mpe dini hari .. huhu Kantin A oh Kantin A....

dan tak lupa masa2 belajar di Kantin A pas library dah tutup... sambil maem french fries nya Mc D yang juga hampir tutup...

waaaaaaaaaaaa.. ntah knp jadi campur aduk gini feeling ane.. jadi teringat kembali moment2 berkesan di Kantin A.. wekekekek.. terutama pas di bis 172 and pas nulis blog ini.. somewhat perasaan ke-tidak-rela-an bergejolak di dadaku *weleh bahasanya..

well... apapun yang ane tulis disini, nasib Kantin A ga bakalan berubah..
sayonara Kantin A..

*jadi teringat pas Going Merry-nya Luffy terpaksa ditenggelamkan krn uda ga bisa dibenerin lagi.. waktu itu Going Merry abis menyelematkan Luffy dkk di final stage of Enies Lobby.. :(

..... lagi coba cari foto Kantin A.. tapi ga nemu.. ya sudah lah..

sayonara Kantin A... :'(